Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Most years we have fought the birds and squirrels by day and the possums and racoons by night hoping for a crop of cherries. Sometimes the weather interferes with a good set of fruit. This year the crop came in fine. In fact, the whole state is having a bumper yield, and here is our own proof. These are some of our Bings.

The blessing for me is that all five of my grand-daughters have been able to come to help pick the fruit. The first wave - the twins and their mom (and the little imp in the second picture) - cleaned out the first fruits and my photo-op but got a lot of cherries for family to enjoy. When the Kennewick kids came, there was still a lot of good pickin' left and they gathered plenty too to eat and share with others.

After a goood wash and a sorting out some of the cherries cracked by an inopportune rain, there were still a lot of beautiful red fruit to enjoy by eye and by munchin'.


At 8:56 PM, Blogger G.Wyatt said...

Yum! Yum!
Save us some!!

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Patty said...

Thanks for sharing!


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