Thursday, May 28, 2009


At this time of year it is a good idea to look around the neighborhood before just rushing outside. More than ever, the springtime supply of young black bears in the Mendenhall Valley exceeds the territory where foraging for food is successful. So Blackie's solution is to come into residential areas and scout for unsecured garbage cans, Bar-B-Q grills, berry bushes , or any other treat available. Even a pantry in an open garage is an invitation to dine in high style.
Here on the newer end of Steelhead Street where not long ago a field of sweet, tender roots may have been appealing, it seems that a bear or two or three passes through every couple of days. An important trick to learn is to notice the critter before it finds you. Of these two pictures, the first shot was at the corner of the house across the street, and the second was on the porch at the French doors - doors which that family frequently use. If the door had been open, there is a good chance that friend bear would have invited himself inside to check for lunch.
Fortunately, these folk were not home at this moment, which is probably good. Usually there is a crowd of small kids swirling around the yard and in and out of those doors. Maybe part of the good fortune belongs to the bear since that bunch of little ones might have startled the bear more than it scared them. There are many kinds of wildlife around, but Bre'r Bear should always get the "right-of-way".

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