Saturday, May 08, 2010


We learned today, quite by chance, that our neighboring community, Camas, Washington, holds an annual plant sale on the Saturday before Mother's Day.
All three three pictures I have chosen are taken from the middle of the quaint, tree-lined street which passes through the central district where all the cute stores are located. Ordinarily, this is a busy commercial route with plenty of vehicular traffic, but not for this party. Today it was for foot-traffic only.
The event covered more than four blocks in length with half a block more in each direction at each crossing street. All sorts of flowers, ground covers, trees, garden art, crafts, rocks and statuary, bird houses, feeders, and a host of other yard and garden products filled the streets on both sides. Since this was just about the first, warm, sunny day this spring, many hundreds of folk were enjoying the stroll and almost everyone seemed to be carrying a purchase or two.
At the east end of the plant sections, and right in front of the public library, was an additional block of tents and shelters hosting a educational health and safety fair.

It was a happy and very pleasant "happening" and if we can remember next year, we will go earlier, and on purpose. Would you like to join us?
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At 5:45 AM, Blogger Linda Judd said...


At 12:39 PM, Blogger Dana Wyatt said...

Yes, I would! How neat. I love wandering through plants sales, greenhouses, gardens, etc. Although there are less opportunities to tour places like that here in Juneau, it is still to fun to view what is offered. Did you make any unplanned purchases?

Geoffrey bought me a beautiful strawberry-veined petunia hanging basket for the porch from our local greenhouse for Mother's Day. I can see it from my vantage point on the couch, which is really nice.

Also, I hope that Geoffrey will share and/or post the tulip pictures soon. When I was put on bed rest this past Wednesday they were all closed and in the next 24 hours they bloomed! I love them, but wish I could see them!


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