Sunday, February 20, 2011


1948 - 2011
Joanne Marie Roberts
We first met Joanne in 1970 in Juneau, Alaska, when our friend Ron brought her north from Oregon, as a new bride. From the beginning Betty and I were as smitten with her as was her dazzled hubby Ron. She was beautiful; she was smart; she was extraordinarily capable; she was really good company; and consequently, she was quickly "adopted" by the entire Juneau Church of Christ. From the first Joanne made their apartment a cosy, efficient home which was a joy to visit. As young couples we had a lot in common, but much of the Wyatt's appeal to the Roberts was in the persons of our children David and Patty. That bond was quickly and solidly formed, and Ron and Joanne were soon as dearly loved by the kids as by us.
Those Alaska years went all to quickly as the new Christians were so deeply devoted to the Lord that they yearned to be able to serve Him in greater ways than Juneau offered. By the fall of 1971 they were off to Colorado to attend Bear Valley School of Preaching after which they served the church in Tomball, Texas as they acquired a family of five sons: the first three were chosen the last two were given. Before long they felt a greater call and ended up serving as missionaries in Santiago, Chile. When they finished that work, Ron and Joanne moved the family to Vancouver, Washington, and yet another congregation fell in love with Joanne (and Ron too, of course). We were delighted to have them close by again.
Over the years untold scores of people admired and enlisted in the ever increasing circle of ministry which radiated outward from Ron and Joanne. Their demonstration and encouragement of good works and spiritual development was both infectious and compelling. Joanne's home based fund-raising garage sale in behalf of missions and missionaries became a major annual church project. She often taught Bible classes for the kids and launched a special series of lessons specifically featuring both local and foreign missions. She continued to be a superb hostess not only in her own home but for showers and weddings and women's events. She became a major participant in the annual Mexico mission not only coordinating meals for scores of participants each year but also providing much of the Spanish translation necessary. She used this language skill in her professional work for the Clark County Health Department where she held the position of Assistant to the Director for years. Ron and Joanne were always active in the congregations Mission Committee. Her personal ministries included providing meals and counseling and instruction and support to more families and women and girls than anyone ever realized. The contribution and personal involvement she lent to most current activities can not be measured. Joanne was an incomparable example of the Lord she so deeply loved and served.
It seemed that her courage and positive attitude in the face of three different cancer attacks would be enough to conquer, for her determination was fierce and her faith was unwavering. If these factors and confidence and optimism alone were enough, she would have triumphed, but the cumulative devastation was too much the third time around. A memorial to her extraordinary life will be shared at 2:00 pm, Monday, February 21st, at the Vancouver Church of Christ.
Joanne was a precious friend - Betty's "dearest, best friend ever, ever in the whole, wide world" - and we hardly imagine living without this sweet sister in our lives. We know her salvation with the Lord in Heaven is secure and that He has indeed prepared for her a special mansion. Surely we will mourn her passing, as will Ron and their Christian sons and families, but we do not grieve as those without hope. We believe we will be together again one day and that alone softens the edge of our sorrows.
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At 10:00 PM, Blogger Kristi Weber said...


At 11:36 PM, Blogger G.Wyatt said...

She totally looks like a model in this photo. I know you will miss her. She was wonderful.


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