Thursday, May 13, 2010


Let me mention a fascinating encounter at the combined plant sale / Health and Safety Fair in Camas last week. Rojo, a handsome llama, and Lori, his patient provider, attended the event as a part of their service to the community. They are interested that the public know about the Mountain Peaks Therapy Llamas, based in Vancouver, WA. My impression was that they were quite successfully getting their message across to the dozens of folk who stopped to look and listen and learn about the purpose of "therapy animals".
These especially trained and certified llamas and their handlers work with individuals of all sorts of needs - the handicapped, the aging, cancer patients, children of every kind, and more - throughout the Northwest. Imagine the joy and warmth and acceptance and hope they share with people of all ages who are challenged by issues of health or disability. They visit in hospitals, assisted living facilities, or wherever they can share their valuable ministry. I was privileged to photograph a meeting between this unique caregiving team and their new young friend, Katie, who seemed to delight in repeatedly touching Rojo's soft coat.
Visit to read about this interesting and worthwhile enterprise. There are some really great pictures and a quite compelling story to be enjoyed. Take the time to see the photo albums and read the stories; it's worth it.
Finally, Rojo and Lori were just splendid in educating the folk who stopped to hear their story; they were exceptionally gentle and responsive to Katie, and she in turn was enthralled with Rojo. So THANK YOU for being there Saturday, and a big THANK YOU for what you do in behalf of persons with special needs. Yours is a great work.
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