Friday, July 16, 2010


This week we had family bikers drop in on us the see the grandsons (and their Mom and Dad too). My brother Marty and his wife Pat rode their motorcycle up from California for a brief visit to see us and the Juneau Wyatt clan, and a good time was had by all.

It was interesting to see the various layers and items of highway garb which make up the outfit necessary to be comfortable and safe on a road trip. Leather boots and chaps, vests and coats, gloves and helmet are the visible outerwear. Intercom/phone systems are in the helmets to allow conversation and communications while underway. The motorcycle is a Kawasaki Vulcan Classic, 2001, and produces about 96 HP in the 1500cc carbureted engine.

Mid-day Thursday the older couples went to lunch and later in the afternoon the younger ladies engineered an old-fashioned backyard hamburger picnic with all the goodies and green salad and potato salad. Eli took a fancy to Pat who enjoyed alternating between the boys - first holding one and then the other.
Marty and Pat enjoy serving with the Patriot Riders, a group of motorcycle enthusiasts who like to provide honor and flag escorts for funerals of U.S. Veterans, especially those who have been decorated for their meritorious military accomplishments. Note the patches, badges, and vest decorations which all have significance in biker protocols. Altogether, it makes for an impressive, patriotic display, especially when the bike is clean and the chrome is all shined up.
All ready to hit the highways again, here they are in full regalia as they left our place and headed over to the Oregon Coast to travel home along US-101, camping out along the way. Thanks for coming; we enjoyed your visit.
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At 5:45 AM, Blogger Linda Judd said...

Wow! How fun to see Marty again. I think it's been 30+ years since we were all living up in Juneau at the same time. Haven't seen him since.


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