Everything becomes grist for life's mill. The millstone prepares the kernels of daily experience for conversion to our daily bread. Thus we obtain nourishment for our souls and spirits, and if we are prudent, a surplus remains to share with others. Realistically, however, there comes also a bit of grit in the process. Wisdom comes from discerning the difference.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006

All you have to do is go to search for the book by title (Jessie: the story of a genteel lady in frontier Alaska) or by author (Betty Wyatt) and follow directions. Or just visit her storefront at
Those of you who would like for Betty to personally autograph your book should know that she will be quite willing to do this for you. Contact her at
For those of you who live in the Vancouver area, sometime in November Betty will have some copies which you will be able to purchase directly from her. Additionally, she will have signing events in local bookstores and these would be nice occasions for you to attend, both to show your support and to have your book personalized. Please tell your friends about this. Details will be shared widely when those dates are set.
I can't say whether a hubby's doting recommendation should carry any weight or not, but remember I was an English teacher for decades with emphasis in literature, composition, and communications. I can say with some professional validity that this really is a readable book about a truly remarkable lady. Men will admire her pluck and courage; women will admire her English dignity and may weep over the "love story" involved (as I do).
After you read your own copy, remember to order extras in time for gifts for Christmas.
Let me repeat my original prediction: Alaska has a new contender to add to its best regional/historical literature.