Monday, July 20, 2009


**We just returned from another camping weekend with kids and grandkids on the southeastern flank of Mt Ranier. A lot of our time was spent sitting around the campfire reading, talking, eating, and enjoying the forest around us. During the day it was fun to watch the kids, dogs and chipmunks, and one another coming and going from tent to trailer to table. It was a quiet, restful weekend.
**Looking up was a part of the joy of this setting. I don't know the height of these stunning trees above our ring of canvas chairs, but my guess is that they are close to 200', putting the canopy level way up there. I figured a fairly good size house could be made from each one of these huge beauties. It is very inspiring to reflect upon their age, majesty, and maker.


**Years ago, this young fellas's parents were each a part of our Wednesday night Bible study group. Actually, they met one another while attending that class and before long, they joyfully committed matrimony. Alas, a better job called Terry and bride to Colorado, but the blessing in that move was only seen later when they were able to adopt a son. Their choice of the name Wyatt for this boy was to honor our small group (and us) and the first years of their marriage.
**Later another job called from Texas and there the family lives still. Fortunately they are able to visit Angela's family here in Clark County annually, and we get to see them and Wyatt during those visits. This fall he will be entering First Grade, and from what I can tell, I suspect he will do very well. Thanks for the visit, Wyatt.
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Monday, July 13, 2009


FIRST: We really enjoy all the granddaughters birthdays, but today is special because it is the first birthday of our Grandson Elijah "Eli" Hugh Wyatt. Happy Birthday young man.

SECOND: Betty finally was able to receive treatment for the crushed vertebra in her back. She was first on the schedule this morning and the procedure took just a little over an hour. Using a special needle, the surgeon inserted it into each of the damaged bones and injected a measure of a hydrocarbon polymer (usually referred to as "cement") to stabilize the bones with what is in effect an internal splint. As soon as the discomfort of the incisions and treatment passes, Betty should realize relief from the extreme and constant pain she has experienced for the past 60 days since the fall which broke her back.

AND MORE: We are deeply touched and grateful for the prayers and the expressions of concern and love our family and many close friends have steadily expressed during this trial. Your words and deeds have made it easier to deal with. Thanks.

Sunday, July 05, 2009


I'd like to say our holiday was a quiet one, but since the local mega-show was cancelled this year, the whole community spent the evening in the streets blasting away an untold sum on DIY fireworks. We did stay home, however. I had spent the morning picking the Montmorency cherries and listening to American Bluegrass. Early in the afternoon, we cleaned and pitted the harvest, and later Betty prepared the gorgeous confection pictured. So while the neighborhood burned its money in patriotic smoke, sparklers, aerial bursts, and cherry bombs, we enjoyed a perfect Cherry Pie and counted our many blessings. Yum-yum.