**One certain truth about Betty (and me) is that we have always been blessed by a host of friends and a multitude of loved ones. In that crowd, each one brings special and unique blessings into our lives. The closest, of course, are immediate family; that is as it should be. But just beyond that circle are a few precious, dear individuals who have become every bit as close as family. Over the years we have acquired perhaps a golden dozen of such intimate and trusted friends. None of these jewels are closer or more beloved than our treasured sister Anita.
**This lovely individual came into our lives about thirteen years ago when she visited one of our home Bible studies. Over the years that modest accident has bloomed into a deep and enriched relationship that has involved Anita and us in many adventures and even into acquaintance with one another's families. She is a quiet and sensitive spirit with a generous heart and perceptive awareness of other people's lives. Anita has a beautiful, gentle manner and exhibits a sweet humility which sometimes conceals her wonderful talents and interests. A visit or an outing with her is always an enchanting experience.
**Unfortunately, Anita has been forced to engage in a prolonged and vigorous battle with cancer. She has been doing so with a valiant optimism and a cheerful confidence that her struggle is mostly borne by her Lord and that the benefits to her are going to greater than the losses. Now, at last, she has completed a lengthy series of difficult chemotherapy and radiation therapies. We are celebrating that accomplishment as a major milestone in her personal campaign against the scourge cancer is. It has been an awesome effort - instructional, uplifting, and inspiring to all of us. Anita's friends and acquaintances are all amazed and delighted.
**At some point early on in the fight, Anita chose the butterfly as her symbol of hope and encouragement. Much about that choice is highly meaningful. Butterflies demonstrate color, and lightness, and freedom, and beauty in their soaring and light-hearted flight. That's Anita! As fragile as butterflies seem to be, they think nothing about beginning lengthy and hazardous migrations to safer climes and undertake such journies with buoyant and confident spirits. That's Anita. And no matter how fragile and vulnerable the butterfly may appear to be, actually it is a tough and persistent creature who navigates not at a whim, but by the sure and steady guidance of God to reach its destination quietly but oh so certainly. And that is Anita all over again!!
**PS Tuesday the 30th is Anita's birthday [Happy Birthay, Girl!], and we will be happy to forward any greetings and congratulations to her which come to our attention.