I almost titled this entry "Another Spiritual Hero", and that would have been accurate. Like his brother says, "He is an awesome man of God", and that appropriately explains why his family is deservedly proud of him. I suspect his life is about to change more than he realizes as God is bringing into his life a wife. We are eager to share Dana, his chosen with you soon. He proposed on her birthday and she quickly said "YES". I wonder what surprise she has for him today on his birthday.
My wishes for you, son, include cake and ice cream and balloons and such in the company of many friends. My prayers for you are abundant with praises to God, many thanksgivings, and entrities for peace and efficiency during this engagement period and petitions for a long and happy marriage together with your (and our) beloved Dana.
I celebrate your unique way of enjoying life and sharing it with others. I brag on your website all the time. I know how many others you have served and have reached out to touch and that is a precious part of your ministry to people. I have seen how generous you are and how prudent. I would even like to have your capacity to prioritize the stuff of life and keep from accumulating so much clutter. You are an awesome teacher among and of upcoming teachers. Someday I'd like to match your count of countries because I believe this has given you a broader and more tolerant view of the world and life than I have. I know of no other individual who is so comfortable with people of all ages and stations in any community. You are way more thoughtful than I am, being in this respect much more like your mother. (and that's a very good gene-trait to follow). I respect and admire your faith. And now I delight in your discernment and choice of Dana. Atta-boy, Boy!
Your daddy is mighty proud of you, especially today.